Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Commando Kayaking

I rather like Dubside's attitude to kayaking, and in particular one of his 'rules' for commando kayaking:
"2. Kayaking effected so as to render the automobile superfluous."

It does go against the grain a bit to have to use your car to get out paddling. Not so bad when there are a few of you, but when you are by yourself..........

So, this Sunday, with a great weather forecast and only myself to paddle with, I decided to cycle to the Mermaid (Foel, Anglesey), towing my kayak, paddle down the Menai strait as far as Nelson, and then return with the tide. About 10k of cycling and 20k of paddling. The hardest bit by far being the mainly uphill return journey from Foel to home. Strange how it always seems to be uphill on the way back from the sea.

Towing the kayak (Rainbow, Laser) was suprisingly straightforward. I had looked at a few ideas on the web, and come up with a very simple design for a bracket (piece of plywood) at rear axle level on the bike, connected to the kayak via a couple of bungies.

Of course it would have been a good idea to oil the kayak trolley wheels, and even better if the trolley had proper bearings, but it was a warm summers day and I was not in any hurry. Also the friction did provide some extra control on downhill sections.

My main tip, if you are thinking of trying something similar, would be to keep as much weight (kayaking kit, food, water, etc) as possible directly over the trolley while towing, rather than packed in the way you might for a trip.

1 comment:

  1. Waw!!! Did you get any photos? - it sounds very adventurous, though I can't quite imagine the trolley... Wonder where else is explorable by cycle-yakking.
